Thursday, September 22, 2011

Live on Capitol Hill

Whit was recently offered a position as a reporter for Newseum News WFEO in Washington. Whit, a true renaissance woman, thought this would be a valuable addition to her resume. For a couple of weeks she delivered outstanding, factual news stories, as seen below:

Unfortunately, immediately following this report she decided to ask one of the tea party activists present about his stance on the nation's budget deficit issue and the Fed's new "Operation Twist" plan. The tea partier, believing Whitney to be another liberal reporter, verbally attacked my dear Whitney. Whitney (always headstrong) decided to fight back. It all happened very fast, but I managed to snap the following picture just before they took her away:She wants everyone to know that she loves you, and that she will contact you as soon as she gets out.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 11, 2011

This is my office building and looks like all the others in the city this week. Despite the threats of terrorist acts on the 10 year anniversary, we still took time to remember and memorialize that day. Sunday marked the opening of the World Trade Center Memorial at ground zero- a beautiful and inspiring tribute to the lives lost that day. See it here: