Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spain as we knew it

Enjoying the Southern Coast.
The work of Guadi in Barcelona. Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland or Disneyland.

Staircase in Guadi's cathedral.
Brilliance at work.
Sagrada Familia Cathedral, Barcelona.

The heat made us do this a lot.

This chick is bird woman! At one point Jill had 3 birds all over her! Monkey Rock: Gibraltar

The thief had Roberts bag opened in .5 seconds.Apparently Jessi needed grooming.

Call me Jane Goodall. That monkey was sucking my thumb by the end of the day.

1 comment:

Kylie said...

sooooo jealous of the monkeys right now!!! they are soooo cute!!!!!!!!! you should've brought one home for maddie:) ps i LOVE the picture of you and deej with that big castle or something behind you - so cool!